2023 - 2024 Season's Newsletters
Dr. Ian Kuijt, University of Notre Dame
"Irish Archaeology"
May 19 Kenneth Seligson
"In the Shadow of Giants: The Earliest Ballcourt Sites in the Puuc Region of the Northern Mayan Lowlands"
California State University - Dominquez Hills, Carson CA
April 28 Mark Adams
"Seeing Inside a Mayan Pyramid"
Fermilab, Batavia IL
March 24 Floyd Mansberger
"Archaeology of Racial Violence: Update on excavations at the Springfield Race Riot Project"
Fever River Research, Springfield IL
February 25 Dr. Tamira Brennan
"Kincaid Mounds: A Major Mississippian Center on the Lower Ohio River"
University of Illinois
January 28 Dr. Yorke M. Rowan
"Landscape Archaeology and the Black Desert of Jordan"
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures, University of Chicago
The Codex November/December 2023
December 3 Peter John Geraci
"Contextualizing the Winfield Mounds and Village Site (11DU33)"
Department of Anthropology, UW-Milwaukee
October 29 Drs. Omur Harmonsal and Peri Johnson, archaeologists
"Water and Ritual on a Sacred Mountain in Hittite Anatolia"
University of Illinois at Chicago
September 24 Dr. Dale F. Simpson, Jr, archaeologist and CAS board member
"Digging for the Next Generation of Archaeologists; Examples of Archaeological
Adjunct instructor at College of DuPage; Replacement instructor at Northern Illinois University.
2022 - 2023 Season's Newsletters
Dr. Morag Kersel presentation preview of "Pots from the City of Sin: Consequences of Buying Holy Land Antiquities" on January 30. Other contents: [click to see full article] Field Notes "Iron Maiden Memories" by James Meierhoff in response to Dr. Marc Zender's talk on "How Writing Came to Northern Yucatan" and Michael Ruggeri's critique on claiming Pre-Clovis evidence prematurely.
Dr. Michael Gregory and Dr. Jane Peterson from the Camp Douglas Restoration Foundation presentation preview of "Materiality & Memory: Urban Archaeology in Chicago's Bronzeville Neighborhood" on February 27. Other contents: introducing Victoria Grigelaitis, Dan Melone, Dr. Vincent LaMotta, and Dr. Dale Simpson Jr. as new Board members. James Meierhoff's response to Dr. Morag Kersel's talk lamenting the antiquities trade.
And a special addition: Remembering Robert Stelton, a 4-page insert mailed to members (also link here for Stelton obituary in Chicago Tribune.)
Daniela Raillard Arias, PhD Candidate in Anthropology at Northwestern University, presentation preview of "Above-Ground Mortuary Architecture in the Chachapoya Region, Peru" on March 27. Other contents: Guest Essay by Board member Deb Stelton on "Driving Down to Mexico" in the 1970s. James Meierhoff's response to Drs. Gregory and Peterson lecture on Camp Douglas/Bronzeville urban archaeology, entitled "The Space Remains the Same."
Dr. Vincent M. LaMotta, PhD, UIC presented on The Pueblo III to IV Transition in the American Southwest. preview of presentation for April 24. Other content, response to Daniella Railland Arias' March talk on New Research in the Chachapoya Region of Peru; Michael Ruggeri Reports on The Plumed and Horn Serpent in Ancient Southwest Rock Art; Special Report by Dr. Dale F. Simpson Jr, PhD on Pacific and Rapa Nui material culture found in The Field Museum (Chicago, IL
Preview of Dr. Thomas Loebel's talk for May 22, 2022 on "The DuWulf Paleoindian Project: Early Holocene Ceremonial Behavior in the Western Great Lakes." Other content, response to Dr. Vincent L. LaMotta's talk on Pueblo southwest; Michael Ruggeri Reports on Mesoamerican Themes in Southwest Rock Art; various CAS, IAAA, and Chicagoland news and notes; Deb Stelton review of a family trip in Guatemala and a delay dad....; then a student article from North Central College. Anastazja Petersen reported
an analyzing a lithic collection from the DuPage Forest Preserve District.
Preview of Dr. Christopher Fennel’s talk for September 25 on “New Philadelphia, IL, From Archaeological Project to National Historic Landmark”. Other content, response to Dr. Thomas Loebel on Paleoindian occupation at the DeWulf Site; IAAA at the State Fair, Michael Ruggeri on “The Maya Hero Twins in the Southwest”; various upcoming events and other notes.
Preview of Dr. Erin B. Waxenbaum’s talk for October 30 on “FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY: the stories the dead tell; At the intersection of Archaeology and Forensics”; response to Dr. Christopher Fennell talk on New Philadelphia; other notes on upcoming events.
Preview on Dr. Jennifer Raff’s talk on December 4 on “Origins: How the Americas were Peopled”; response to Dr. Waxenbaum’s talk on archaeology and forensics; article by Deb Stelton, “What do these Images Mean”; a post on North Central College Student Achievements; posts on CAS membership and volunteering.
January 29 Dr. Michael E. Smith "At Home with the Aztecs"
Arizona State University
Professor and Director, Teotihuacan Research Laboratory, School of Human Evolution and Social Change
February 26 Philip Alldrit "Olmec and Maya Connection"
University of New Mexico-Taos
Instructor of Anthropology, Archaeology, History, and Politic
March 26 Dr. Thomas A. Deméré Human-Mastodon Interaction
San Diego Museum of Natural History
Curator of Paleontology/Director of PaleoServices
April 30 Dr. Helen Robbins
"Domestic and International Repatriation: Current Issues and Future Trends"
The Field Museum of Natural ", Chicago
Repatriation Director
May 21 Monette Bebow-Reinhard, historian and CAS member
"Intriguing Illinois: What pre-contact copper artifacts tell us"
Independent researcher
September, October, December meetings
In person at the Evanston Public Library
Via Zoom and Facebook